You know that CD drive is a ticking time bomb, this is the original iBook G3 Clamshell. The second guide I have not seen before, I’ll try this out in the future. The first guide you linked I previously tried (as I did many others). My favourite story is the 500 MB that continues to happily chug along in a 1995 Win Box. The absence of FireWire annoyingly complicates what would otherwise be a cakewalk with Target Disk Mode. I think that ethos defines the spirit of this community. Hopefully between both of those and my method, you'll enjoy success. Here is an alternate guide that also covers what I've outlined above but also uses visual aids and is quite well written. Read this guide and pay attention to step 7 and onwards. This was enough work in the case of my G3 but other Macs may require some further wrangling involving Open Firmware. Some patience will be required at this point but a fully bootable USB drive will be created and eventually mounted in OS X - you can click on it and make an inspection if you like.

Next, you need to drag the USB drive to the destination field - click on Restore and wait. Then, in Disk Utility select the Restore tab and drag the dmg etc that has the OS image file onto the Source field. My method with the G3 was to partition the USB stick to the Apple Partition Map (because this is what PPC Macs will require) not GUID or MBR and then format the drive with Mac OS Extended (Journaled). I think in some instances dabbling with Open Firmware is required (more on this later). On my G4 iBook, I tried to boot Tiger using the very same USB 2.0 8GB Sandisk drive that had worked with the G3 and it didn't appear in the boot menu - even with refreshing to check for drives! Very frustrating. From my experience, the process is extremely inconsistent and varies from one machine to another. I’ve been waiting to install an OS for 2 weeks! I used my Mac mini btw, somehow both my Macs have working optical drives. I don’t even have all the tools to do that. I thought my only course of action would be to remove the HDD and install an OS using my Mac mini. My USB DVD burner did not show up as a boot device either (works for my Mac mini, I don’t think it can get enough power out of the iBook). The 3GB HDD just stopped booting entirely the other day, probably due to the weird thing I did which basically converted jaguar into OS 8.6 since I couldn’t get a single CD to boot. Inside of my iBook however, is a booting OS 9.2.2 CD! I thought the CD Drive was broken, and I had a serious problem because my iBook does not have FireWire (nor do I own any FireWire stuff), and I swear usb booting is a myth at least on the original iBook 300MHZ I have. To the left of me is TWELVE CD-R coasters of 8.6-10.2.